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Still, there’s another simmering front that isn’t receiving the necessary and desired attention. Why? Because the West Bank front has always been saturated with terror and now you can practically hear the bomb ticking back.
Throughout the war, it has been stressed that Israel is fighting on seven fronts: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iran and the West Bank. On the last front, Israel’s conception, which it built and nurtured for years, is about to explode: the Palestinian Authority.
It has been composed of people involved in terrorism and identified with it since Yasser Arafat’s days and the cosmetic transition of the “Palestine Liberation Organization” to the euphemistic name “Palestinian Authority.”
“Over the years, Israeli governments and security officials have turned this terrorist body into a legitimate institution that not only can represent the Palestinians but also take part in maintaining Israel’s security.”
Over the years, Israeli governments and security officials have turned this terrorist body into a legitimate institution that not only can represent the Palestinians but also take part in maintaining Israel’s security.
The dependency is so great that some wonder even today, what will happen if the Palestinian Authority falls? The same question was asked in Israel regarding Hamas — who would replace Hamas? They speculated that whatever organization it would be, it could be worse than Hamas.
This remains the attitude toward the Palestinian Authority today. As part of the justified and correct struggle to free itself from the chains of the conception, two additional possibilities regarding the Palestinian Authority and the West Bank must be considered.
Alongside this, another possibility exists: a reversal of roles. Due to the criticism from terrorist organizations and other Palestinians, slightly more murderous than the Palestinian Authority, claiming that the PA “cooperates” with Israel, the PA’s security forces might openly and explicitly use its weapons and forces against us.
The West Bank has been the area where miniature October 7 incidents occurred over the years: the lynching in Ramallah, the murder of the infant Shalhevet Pass, the murder of the Fogel family, the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teenagers, the murder of the Salomon family, the rape and murder of Ori Ansbacher — these are only some of the memorable cases of Palestinian murders, some of whom were members of the Palestinian Authority and this list could continue.
The State of Israel didn’t foresee October 7 due to its failures, which will be written about without end. Maybe it’s already time to prepare and spare the words that will be written about the conception on the Palestinian Authority — before it blows up in our face.
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