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Infantry, combat engineering and armored corps soldiers, both in mandatory and reserve service, shed blood, sweat and tears to capture this city of hatred and evil, from which many of the terrorists who perpetrated the October 7 massacre on communities near the Gaza border emerged. We captured it each time, only to vacate it again for the terrorists.
At the end of October 2023, with the onset of the ground operation, our forces were ordered to capture Jabaliya and its neighboring towns for the first time. They fought, were injured and killed in battle, but ultimately succeeded in purging the area of terrorists and weaponry.
So, what’s happening here? Nearly 15 months into the war, we continue a tango with our weakest enemy. We take one step forward, paying a heavy price in casualties and wounded, only to inexplicably take two steps back, vacating the area and allowing terrorists to return. Then, we quickly retake the same step forward, enduring the same costs, only to withdraw again after a costly recapture.
The most baffling aspect is that we, Israel’s citizens, reservists and parents of active-duty soldiers, can’t get clear answers. Who’s making these operational decisions? There’s a palpable sense of unclear ambiguity between the political and military leadership
In certain parts of Gaza, our forces have entered and exited as many as eight times, leaving a vacuum for terrorists to reoccupy each time. What’s happening behind the scenes that prevents us from pursuing victory?
Fifteen months since the war began, we’ve demonstrated our military might, the resilience of Israeli society and the strength of the people’s army. Yet time and again, we fail to take the decisive step to finish the task.
The most baffling aspect is that we, Israel’s citizens, reservists and parents of active-duty soldiers, can’t get clear answers. Who’s making these operational decisions? There’s a palpable sense of unclear ambiguity between the political and military leadership — no one takes responsibility and no one outlines a coherent policy.
How can we hope to win when one hand sheds our soldiers’ blood in battle while the other feeds the enemy who remains on the same ground? It’s obvious to anyone with common sense that this strategy is unsustainable. If we don’t evacuate an area, declare it a combat zone, thoroughly clear it and then secure it against reentry, terrorists will inevitably return.
Initially, we were told the issue was a shortage of munitions in preparation for a northern campaign. Since then, we’ve dealt a severe blow to Hezbollah. Later, it was attributed to pressure from the U.S. administration, but then Joe Biden lost the elections.
Still, repeatedly sending our sons to spill their blood in the same areas, feeding the enemy and encouraging their persistence — isn’t that a crime?
The people of Israel deserve senior commanders and political leaders who know how to take responsibility, set a clear policy and act decisively without excuses or evasions. Setting goals, demonstrating determination and implementing them — that’s the only path to victory.
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