The Government of Israel has announced names through a lottery system from among those who applied for jobs. The Department of Foreign Employment has made public the names of 2,112 individuals out of a list of 3,461 candidates sent to Israel’s PIBA. However, 88 candidates were removed from the list due to fake certificates, as reported by the department.
According to the department, as per the labor agreement between Nepal and Israel, Nepali workers are being sent to long-term care centers through government mechanisms. There is no involvement from the private sector in this process.
Based on the list published by Israel’s PIBA, 2,112 candidates have been selected, including 1,156 women (60%) and 956 men (40%). “The lottery was conducted under the supervision of the Israeli Embassy in Nepal to ensure transparency in the selection process,” the department stated. Among those selected, it is believed that at least 2,000 will pass the height and health examination standards.
Three months ago, the department had received 4,024 applications, of which 1,863 men and 1,598 women were shortlisted. The final selection was done through a lottery system from the shortlisted candidates. The deadline for recruitment, under the labor agreement between the governments of Nepal and Israel, was set for 11th of Shrawan. The candidates who passed the selection process have been included in Israel’s lottery program.
This time, it has been claimed that the selection was free of controversy because the language test was conducted transparently and fairly from the initial phase. Most of the candidates selected in the first phase are expected to get the opportunity to go to Israel. Since the number of applicants and the required number of workers is nearly the same, it is likely that most of the first-phase candidates will go to Israel.
According to the department’s Director, Gurudatta Subedi, Israel showed keen interest in the ongoing transparent and fair selection process for sending Nepali workers as caregivers under the G2G process. While India and Bangladesh are preparing to send workers, Nepal requested applications after giving assurance of sending workers immediately.
Recently, due to rocket and drone attacks, high alert was issued in various regions of Israel for some time. Despite this, Israel has assured labor-supplying countries of its safety and requested for workers. Thus, Nepali candidates who were left behind last year are still being sent. The department has stated that it is currently sending the remaining candidates under the previous year’s contract.
Application Submission Notice Published Date: 2081/03/11
Lottery Selection Date: 2081/06/13 (September 29, 2024) at 4:21 PM
Selection Committee Decision Date: 2081/06/14